Shirobhyanga is a combination of two popular treatments in Ayurvedic Medicine proceed by Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Health Coach. It begins with Shirodhara using a drop of warm oil between the eyebrows believed to be the third eye spot and then lets the oil slowly pass through the scalp area. It is followed by a head acupressure massage called Abhyanga massage which involves pressing at the energy-stimulating points or the points of the energy center in the body. This technique relaxes the tight muscles around the head area, relieves headaches caused by stress, and soothes dizziness, as well as balances the energy in the body by recharging the lacking spots and dissipating the energy in the jammed areas. Shirobhyanga is another treatment that takes care of people’s health holistically known as overall well-being.
| Package Inclusion
90 mins |
- Physical examination, Thai body-element analysis, health consultation and follow-up with health coaches.
- Shirodhara using a drop of warm oil
- Head acupressure massage at the energy-stimulating points called Abhyanga
- Herbal Tea
| Health & Wellness Coach Profile
Jasmine Resort Hotel (Bangkok)
Kamolchanok Jarutassanee (ATM.Dr.Mink) Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Health Coach