Thai Therapeutic massage focuses on therapeutic point and pressure to loosen muscles at the trigger point or the taut bandBody balancing and adjustment massage is a treatment for body structure that is misaligned in your neuromusculoskeletal system. The treatment will correct the balance of the left and right sides of your body through the manipulation of muscles, tendons, joints, and bones. It helps maintain the functionality of various organs, relieve pain, improve your overall health condition, and reduce the risk of losing body balance in the future.
| Package Inclusion
60 mins |
- Health & Wellness Coach consultation and health check-up
- Chiva Rak’s Therapeutic Massage
- Chiva Rak’s Body Balance and Adjustment Massage
| Health & Wellness Coach Profile
Thananpot Rujinanpanich (ATM.Dr.Coco) Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Health Coach
Kornchanok Ruengsree (TCM.Dr.Meily) Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Coach