Knee pain can result from various circumstances, including injuries, sports activities, prolonged standing or wearing high heels, and excessive body weight. At La Vita Sana, we offer specialized treatment for individuals suffering from knee pain due to injuries, sports activities, standing for extended periods or wearing high heels for a long time, and excessive body weight.
Our process begins with a comprehensive Health Assessment to accurately diagnose the issue and design a tailored treatment plan based on the individual's condition and needs. Following the assessment, our experienced therapists provide a specialized Knee Pain Massage designed to alleviate pain, enhance circulation, and promote healing in the affected area. The treatment concludes with a Local Herbs Wrap, where medicinal herbs known for their anti-inflammatory and healing properties are applied to the knee. The wrap aids in reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, and promoting the healing process. Through this holistic approach, we aim to provide relief from knee pain, address its root cause, and improve overall knee health and function.
| Package Inclusion
60 mins |
We offer a comprehensive treatment regimen that unfolds in four stages:
Before and after the treatment, our Thai traditional doctors will assess your symptoms and perform a pulse diagnosis and medical check-up.
Our Thai traditional doctors will start with knee pain relief massage.
Our specialized 4-element therapy is paired with local herbs wrap.
A soothing herbal tea is provided to further enhance relaxation.
| Health & Wellness Coach Profile
Witchayaporn Tunsakul Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor
Pichamon Chaiwong Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Doctor