Body balancing and adjustment massage is a treatment for body structure that is misaligned in your neuromusculoskeletal system. The treatment will correct the balance of the left and right sides of your body through the manipulation of muscles, tendons, joints, and bones. It helps maintain the functionality of various organs, relieve pain, improve your overall health condition, and reduce the risk of losing body balance in the future.
| Package Inclusion
- 60-min treatment massage
- Adjust the body
- Treat pain, tingling, numbness
- Migraine
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Arm pain
- Backache
- Health & Wellness Coach consultation
| Health & Wellness Coach Profile
Thananpot Rujinunpanich (Coach Mapraw)
(Applied Thai traditional medicine doctor)
Professional experience:
- Applied Thai Traditional medicine doctor at Golden Jubilee Medical Center, Mahidol University
- Health Coach Specialist at B-Healthy (Present)
Pisitpat Charoenphakdee
(Oriental medicine doctor)
Professional experience:
- Oriental medicine doctor at OMD Clinic (Rangsit) - (2017-Present)
- Healthcare and Wellness Instructor at OMD Training Center - (2019-Present)
Kawin Mungarsa
(Applied Thai traditional medicine doctor)
Professional experience:
- Applied Thai Traditional medicine doctor at Watthana Nakhon Hospital - (2017-2019)
- Applied Thai Traditional medicine doctor at OMD Clinic (Rangsit) - (2020-Present)
- Healthcare and Wellness Instructor at OMD Training Center - (2020-Present)
Chatravee Butchote
(Applied Thai traditional medicine doctor)
Professional experience:
- Applied Thai Traditional medicine doctor at OMD Clinic (Rangsit) - (2019-Present)
- Healthcare and Wellness Instructor at OMD Training Center - (2019-Present)