Insomnia affects all ages and genders, especially those of working age and the elderly. Symptoms of insomnia include an inability to sleep normally, a shorter sleep duration than normal (generally less than 4-6 hours), difficulty falling asleep at night (taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep), waking up frequently or easily, frequent dreaming or disturbed sleep, and waking and then having difficulty falling asleep again (waking more than two times during the night or waking before dawn and being unable to go back to sleep). All of these result in decreased quality of sleep and, eventually, can cause an inability to sleep at all during the night. This, in turn, causes daytime drowsiness or sleepiness, dullness, weakness, difficulty paying attention, fatigue, etc., which often affects one’s daily life, work, study, and health. Insomnia can be caused by physical or mental conditions, or may be the effect of encountering a stressful situation over a prolonged period, also known in modern medicine as a neurological disorder that affects the sleep.
Acupuncture is a technique within traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that involves inserting very fine needles into the skin or muscle on specific body parts. Some evidence suggests it may help ease arthritis symptoms and improve the quality of life for people with the condition.
| Package Inclusion
- Insomnia acupuncture for 30-45 mins.
- Health & Wellness coach consultation
| Health & Wellness Coach Profile
Luksika Meedaj, CM.D.
License Number: พจ.1815
- Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine second class honors (Huachiew Chalermprakiet University and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
- Office Syndrome, Back pain, Sciatica, Arthritis, Muscle pain
- Stroke Paralysis
- Facial Acupuncture (Acne, Dark spot, Dull skin)
- Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety