Experience magical nights, enjoy body & mind relaxation with a stay at Saturdays Residence by Brown Starling.
The best services and amenities will make you feel comfortable. TAMA's wellness experts will design individualized program to help you find roots of your hard sleep and conquer it.
Besides sleeping assessments, Saturdays provides facilities to help boost other health dimensions e.g. wellness breakfast & dinner, fitness, swimming pools, sauna, and group yoga classes to ensure both physical and emotional health are promoted.
There are many package options starting from 2 to 30 nights to ensure you find the best fit for your dream trip.
| Package Inclusion
- 2 or 3 nights accommodation as per your selection
- Regular or Wellness Breakfast
- Daily maid service
- Complimentary Internet connection
- 2 TAMA's Yoga & Meditation Classes
- Pre and Post-visit online wellness consultation via B-Healthy application
| Itinerary
2 Days 3 Nights Program
Day 1: Check-in and Arrival Wellness Consultation with Health Coach
Day 2: Morning Yoga and Evening Meditation Classes
Day 3: Departure Wellness Consultation with Health Coach and Check-out
3 Days 4 Nights Program
Day 1: Check-in and Arrival Wellness Consultation with Health Coach
Day 2: Morning Yoga Class
Day 3: Evening Meditation Class
Day 4: Departure Wellness Consultation with Health Coach and Check-out
| Health & Wellness Coach Profile
Marco Economides
(Theta Healing - DMOKA - Family Constellations
- Subtle Energy Work/ Reconnective Healing)
Marco is a certified practitioner for different techniques. He is a therapist, researcher and manager of the Infinite Bliss programs who has been working in the field of integrative therapies, subtle energies and holistic therapies for more than 10 years.